Saturday, October 17, 2009

Spin it! (Westy 52)

This weeks image was a little bit of trial and error.

I love the idea of suggesting movement in a still photo, so had the idea of fixing the camera to look at a point on the car, and then moving the background around the stationary camera.

I searched EBay and found the perfect thing to help...

This cost me £2.99 (!) - Allowing me to clamp the G9 (not brave enough to try it with the DSLRs yet) to the car door.

I set the G9 to fire automatically after 10 seconds (giving me time to jump in and drive the car to get the movement I was after).

I also set the ND filter on the camera to give me a slow shutter speed even though I was shooting during the day.

I boosted the contrast a little in CS4, but other than that, this is straight from the camera.

This is very much a 'work in progress' - A project that I will continue to explore in the coming weeks.

Looking forward to trying the technique out with the 'bike.

1 comment:

Ilan said...

Not brave enough to put a DSLR there, but brave enough for G11? :D
I can only envy, I'm sure I won't have the guts to put ANY camera on this thing :)
Great result though!