Friday, December 31, 2010

Thanks Drobo

I woke up this morning to a coloured light show coming from my **Drobo** (rather than the usual bank of Green lights


For those that have not used (or heard) of a Drobo before, you can check them out here:

I personally have 4 500GB drives in my Drobo, which shares my data (Photos, Movies, Music and Personal files in my case) across the 4 drives.

And here is the thing - When one of the drives 'die' (which drives do far more frequently that you may think), you simply pop one out and put a new one in.

I have had the Drobo for about 3 years now (populated with 2 Seagate Barracuda drives and 2 WD Green Power drives) - Today was the first time it has really come into it's own...

One of the Barracuda drives failed - No drama, no lost photos (which is pretty critical for a pro photographer!). The Drobo flashes to tell me which drive to pop out (if you can use a toaster, you can use a Drobo!)

The new drive goes in and all is good again - No shut down, no loss data, just seamless...

Does the £250 I paid for the Drobo seem worth it now?! What do YOU think?

Wonderful piece of mind - *I love technology*.

Latest 12 Days EP

Today, iTunes offers you the free download of an EP with 4 songs 'A Holiday Gift For You' by Michael Bublé

You can get this at the following address

Think I'll give this one a miss...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone 4

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Get Reading

Today's free download from iTunes 12 days app is 'The Life of Pi' book for iBooks.

Looks like I will pick this one up on the iPad rather than the phone, as iBooks is a far better experience on the larger device.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone 4

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Fujifilm X100 - Want one!

If you see a better looking Pro Compact in 2011, give me a shout... I would REALLY like one of these.


UPDATED: Let the games begin

Today's free iTunes 12 days of Christmas download is Gameloft's 'Fishing Kings'.

Not something that I would have bought myself, but Gamesloft stuff is usually really well done, so well worth a look.

The 3D graphics look good on the iPhone, and, well it is Free!

Go get it via the 12 days app now.

I have just picked this up on my iPad too, and found that it is the full HD iPad specific version - Nice touch.

Monday, December 27, 2010

December - All Wrapped Up

All Wrapped Up
Originally uploaded by Westy Photography
My final pick for the 12 from 2010 project was taken just 10 minutes walk from home, on the Embankment in Bedford.

The shot was taken with the Canon G11, following a heavy snow shower the previous day.

I was lucky to catch the sun peaking thorough the stormy sky as it reflected on the frozen River Ouse.

I think adding Clare and the Girls at the edge of the frame has added a nice touch of colour to the scene.

The shot is a 3 shot HDR, which was combined in the excellent Nik HDR Efex Pro - This gave me the bright snow and girls' colours in the foreground, whilst also keeping the detail I was after in the sky.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

THE DIGITAL STORY OF NATIVITY - ( or Christmas 2.0 )

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Think Again