Sunday, October 4, 2009

Broken Morning (Westy 52)

We have had some great sunrises over Bedfordshire this week (most annoyingly on Tuesday when I only had the iPhone camera with me! - Lesson learnt.)

However, I was fortunate enough to be greeted with this scene early on Sunday morning, whilst on my way into the office.

This is a handheld 3-shot HDR image, shot in RAW.

I combined the 3 exposures in Photomatix Pro, then added a Polarising filter in CS4 to deepen the blue in the sky.

I am really pleased with how the road surface looks almost B&W in contrast to the range of colours in the sky.

I know that taking 'Landscape' shots in a vertical 'Portrait' format break the rules, but in this case, I think it works well.

Sometimes pushing the rules works to your advantage.

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