Saturday, October 25, 2008

Wedding with Canon G9

No, no, no...

Don't worry, I haven't gone nuts - As good as the G9 is it will NEVER replace the Nikon Pro stuff that I use for my Wedding Commissions.

However, today was a 'social event' Wedding, NOT a paid job. I thought the girls would be enough of a handful without having to worry about a fully loaded D300!

So I took the G9 along with me (had to have a camera of some sort!).

Well, it just goes from strength to strength - The RAW mode was great for a couple of formal snaps, quickly swapping to Program Scene for a few grab shots.

I will post some results to Flickr later, but suffice to say - I am still mighty impressed!

Pro Compact it certainly is! - The build is amazing... And you still get those "that's a REAL camera isn't it" questions and looks from other people.

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