Friday, October 10, 2008

Pro compact 3

Went and had a play with a G9 last night... Can't believe how big it was; Way bigger than the LX3.

It felt and handled really well and I do like the visual viewfinder, but I now see that you can pick up an LX3 for £280 on EBay, which makes it the same price as the older Canon.

I also see that the G10 has the DIGIC 4 processor from the 5D in it... Wonder what price that will be in $?

I think I will wait until either;

A) Dad can pick one up in the states for half the UK price.
B) I fly to Glasgow for a course, when I can get one duty free.
C) Clare agrees that we need another holiday in California

I think a 'What Digital Camera' group test is in order...

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