Sunday, March 22, 2009

Steve and Paulina (Westy 52 Project)

Steve and Paulina
Originally uploaded by Westy Photography
I must admit to be a little behind this week - I am still sorting through some 500+ images from this weekend alone!

However, I am pretty pleased with some of the result, including this one...

Technically the wedding was about as tough as it gets - Bright sunshine, dark suits, white dress... So pretty much on full Manual exposure all day; Why does eveyone think that photographers love bright sunshine?!

This was taken with the 17-55 2.8 on the D300, exposed for the dress with the SB-800 adding some 'zing' to the skin tones.

Pretty pleased with the result. Lots more to sort through - I am sure I will update with posts of other images I like from the day.

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