For those that have not used (or heard) of a Drobo before, you can check them out here:
I personally have 4 500GB drives in my Drobo, which shares my data (Photos, Movies, Music and Personal files in my case) across the 4 drives.
And here is the thing - When one of the drives 'die' (which drives do far more frequently that you may think), you simply pop one out and put a new one in.
I have had the Drobo for about 3 years now (populated with 2 Seagate Barracuda drives and 2 WD Green Power drives) - Today was the first time it has really come into it's own...
One of the Barracuda drives failed - No drama, no lost photos (which is pretty critical for a pro photographer!). The Drobo flashes to tell me which drive to pop out (if you can use a toaster, you can use a Drobo!)
The new drive goes in and all is good again - No shut down, no loss data, just seamless...
Does the £250 I paid for the Drobo seem worth it now?! What do YOU think?
Wonderful piece of mind - *I love technology*.