Sunday, March 15, 2009

Arghhh! (Westy 52 Project)

Originally uploaded by Westy Photography
I have been playing around with a couple of new lenses this weekend - one being a 16mm Fisheye.

Obviously this is as far away from a Portrait lens as you get, however, I thought I would use the ultra wide-angle effect to be a little creative...

I started by taking a few shots of Caitlin on my iPhone (she was getting a little bored by the end, hence the 'Arghhhh! no more look!')

Then I got her to hold the phone out in front of her showing the photo on the screen, and I used the 16mm on the D300 to exagerate the size of the image, and also get most of her in the shot.

Slight adjustments to levels in Photoshop, then resized for the web.

The hardest bit was trying to avoid reflections on the iPhone screen!

Very different from straight Portraits, but I am pretty pleased with the results.

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