Sunday, March 29, 2009

Breakfast TV (Westy 52 Project)

Breakfast TV
Originally uploaded by Westy Photography
This was taken with the D300 + 50mm 1.8... It is such a great lens, and real bargain too (about £100).

The depth of field is really shallow at f1.8, allow this sort of image where the background is totally thrown out of focus.

This image was shot in natural day light at ISO 400, as the girls settled down for toast and peanut butter if front of Peppa Pig!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Steve and Paulina (Westy 52 Project)

Steve and Paulina
Originally uploaded by Westy Photography
I must admit to be a little behind this week - I am still sorting through some 500+ images from this weekend alone!

However, I am pretty pleased with some of the result, including this one...

Technically the wedding was about as tough as it gets - Bright sunshine, dark suits, white dress... So pretty much on full Manual exposure all day; Why does eveyone think that photographers love bright sunshine?!

This was taken with the 17-55 2.8 on the D300, exposed for the dress with the SB-800 adding some 'zing' to the skin tones.

Pretty pleased with the result. Lots more to sort through - I am sure I will update with posts of other images I like from the day.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Arghhh! (Westy 52 Project)

Originally uploaded by Westy Photography
I have been playing around with a couple of new lenses this weekend - one being a 16mm Fisheye.

Obviously this is as far away from a Portrait lens as you get, however, I thought I would use the ultra wide-angle effect to be a little creative...

I started by taking a few shots of Caitlin on my iPhone (she was getting a little bored by the end, hence the 'Arghhhh! no more look!')

Then I got her to hold the phone out in front of her showing the photo on the screen, and I used the 16mm on the D300 to exagerate the size of the image, and also get most of her in the shot.

Slight adjustments to levels in Photoshop, then resized for the web.

The hardest bit was trying to avoid reflections on the iPhone screen!

Very different from straight Portraits, but I am pretty pleased with the results.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Updated: Award Winning Image!

I posted this last week as part of my Westy 52 project.

It was shot at dawn from our hotel (Newport Bay), using the point and shoot Canon G9.

I have just heard that this image was chosen by Kate Day of The Telegraph as her image of the week.

You can read the article here

Our right to do our job...

Although I really do not want to use my Blog for anything other than sharing my thoughts and images, there are new laws that have come into effect that will greatly limit my/our ability to shoot what we like as and when we like in public places.

You can find out more information here

To sign the petition to relax the restrictions, please click here


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Me, Cait and Mickey

Originally uploaded by Westy Photography
Just a snap from our trip to Disneyland Paris - Taken with the G9, this image is straight from camera.

Great colours, pin sharp - Awesome point and shoot.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Hotel New York, Paris (Westy52 Project)

After spending three days at Disneyland Paris this week, I guess a shot from there for my pick of the week was inevitable.

What is suprising though is that it is a landscape (I don't do Landscape!) - I also had more that 150 shots of Caitlin and I with numerous Disney characters to sort through, but kept coming back to this image of Hotel New York.

It was shot at dawn from our hotel (Newport Bay), using the point and shoot Canon G9.

I added a slight vibrancy boost in Aperture (G9 in RAW mode) - and resized for the web.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Car and House

Car and House
Originally uploaded by Westy Photography
I loved the tones on this one - Very 'Graphic' for me, but it is so rare for the Mini to be this clean I had to get a couple of shots.

This, again, is with the 85 1.4 (at about f8).

The contrast and colour from this lens is amazing.

Bedford Bridge HDR

This is a 3 image HDR - Normal exposure then -3 stops, then +3 stops.

Spliced together in CS4 - and then cropped and reduced to 8-bit for Web use.

Not my usual thing at all, but I am pretty pleased with the result.

Apple(s) of my Eye (Westy52 Project)

Firstly I apologise for posting a day late - Saturday nights lack of electricity scuppered my planning somewhat!

Really tough choice this week - But I keep coming back to this soft muted image of Caitlin using the Macbook Pro.

Purely natural lighting (backlit) - With the fill being added by the not so natural light from the laptop screen.

Really pleased with what the 85 1.4 has done to the background - The lens just gets better and better.