Monday, December 1, 2008

Megan - Cap

Megan - Cap
Originally uploaded by Westy Photography

Once again this was taken with the natural light in Megan's room, but this time with the passage way as a backdrop.

Once again this was at ISO 640 (!) 1/125 @ f2.8 with the 85mm.

I can see that this lens will be staying on the D300 for a long time!

Can't wait to give it a run at a wedding - The low light capabilities of the fast 1.4 and the D300's outstanding high ISO performance open up so many opportunities.

This is the lighting 
set-up that I used for this image... The Window replaced the Soft Box in this case (but did the same job!).

A white reflector was used to cut down some of the shadow on the left of Megan's face (as the camera looks)

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